Be aware. Danger ahead.

Tyvärr måste man tänka på vissa saker när man ska flyga...

  • Smaller musical items such as a guitar, cello, violin or viola which exceed our cabin baggage dimensions may be carried in the cabin if a seat for it has been reserved and the appropriate fare paid. There is no baggage allowance associated with the purchase of an extra seat.

  • Tjompi kom ihåg att boka en extra plats för din cello!

  • Mobile Phones and Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) equipped with wireless phone connections may be carried only in cabin baggage but must be switched off once the aircraft doors are closed for departure. These items must not be used during flight.

  • Snadra nu hade du tur. Du använder ju en sten som mobil...vaah?

  • All Latvian children under 18 travelling without their parent or guardian must provide the following at check-in: - A valid passport and their birth certificate along with written permission from their parents or guardian which must be co-signed by a solicitor confirming that they consent to the child travelling without them.

  • Nu hade du tur Oscar, du är ju av rysk härkomst. Och du är ju över 18...eller?

    Passengers are not permitted to carry the following articles into the security restricted area and the cabin of an aircraft:

    Blunt Instruments: any blunt instrument capable of causing injury, including
    : tennis rackets, baseball and softball bats, clubs or batons - rigid or flexible - e.g. billy clubs, blackjacks (truncheon of leather covered lead with flexible shaft), night sticks & batons, cricket bats, golf clubs, hockey and hurley sticks, lacrosse sticks, kayak and canoe paddles, skateboards, billiard, snooker and pool cues, fishing rods, martial arts equipment, e.g. knuckle dusters, clubs, coshes, rice flails, num-chucks, kubatons, kubasaunts.

    Och jag får inte ta med mig nåt av det jag hade planerat att ta med mig. Inte ens min cricket bat...hallah, vi ska ju till cricketens nationalland.

    //Security Guard a.k.a. Cissi


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